Maxine Flournoy 3rd Coast Squadron Aransas Pass, TX

T.P. McCambell Airport
3201 FM3512
Hangar H11
Aransas Pass, TX 78336
Contact number:

PT-17 Stearman More Info

J-3 Cub Skybaby More Skybaby Info

Hall of Fame More Info
Sr.CPO Andrew J Andams Jr., NAVY, Retired Lt. Joe Sassman, USAAF Maj General Angela Salinas, USMC Retired Lt. Col. R.E. "Dick" Cole, USAF Retired
We will also have a re-Grand Opening of the Maxine Flournoy, 3rd Coast Squadron CAF Museum of Military History which will include tours and viewing of WWII aircraft; airplane rides after the ceremonies; movies inside the museum, a Veteran's Band. Soft drinks and food will be available.

Pancake Breakfast & Fly In More Info
Come join the Commemorative Air Force at the Maxine Flournoy Third Coast Squadron Museum and Hangar and see out Stearman and WWII exhibits.
Dedicated to keeping our warbirds flying and honoring our veterans. Our mission is to establish and maintain a permanent presence in the community so as to preserve and illustrate the Coastal Bend's involvement in the history of those men and women who served in the past and still serve in today's military.

Warbirds and Moonshine Hangar Dance More Info
Dinner, Dance & Entertainment 40’s & 60’s Music Spirits tasting! Live & Silent Unique Auction Item 40’s - 60’s Tropical Attire

Open House Fly-In More Info
10 AM Salute to Vietnam Veterans, Culpepper’s Angels and Hangar Dedication Corpus Christi Veterans Band Military Statics Food Trucks VIP Media Flights and More

CAF 3rd Coast Squadron-Blood Drive More Info
Mask Required: Come join us on May 1, 2021! The CAF Third Coast Squadron holding a Blood drive at McCampbell Porter Airport.
8am-10am- Pancake Breakfast-$6 Donation per plate 10am-Welcome- Unveiling and History of Sky Baby -George Kirk- WWII 100th Birthday Celebration 8am-1pm-Blood Mobil On-Site (Coastal BendBlood Center)
- Appointments are highly recommended. Call the Blood Center at 361-855-4943 or go to our website at Donors will receive a T-shirt and a Food coupon. While supplies last.

CAF Warbird Tube – The SkyBaby Story More Info
Online Event
CAF Warbird Tube – The SkyBaby Story In the 1940s Miss Marian Palmer Davis got herself a Piper J-4 Cub Coupe which she used to train cadets in the Civil Air Patrol. Decades later the history of SkyBaby was the subject of bedtime stories for her kids. Decades later, her son Frank McKay digs into his mom’s Civil Air Patrol past and comes to find that SkyBaby is still around. Albeit, in need of A LOT of repairs. Hear Frank tell his mom’s story and his own quest to honor her and continue her passion introducing others to flight. Register online at Registration-

Seminar with WWII veteran Jose Mendez More Info
Jose N. Mendez, 99 yr old Survivor of WWII Battle of Bulge and guard at Nuremberg Trials. Sponsored by Maxine Flournoy 3rd Coast Free Admission

Pancake Breakfast Fly-In/Drive-In & Car Meet More Info
February 1, 2025 It's that time again! Cars and Airplanes! With the Commemorative Air Force! It keeps on growing! Please share! Come see our military museum! We have so much fun! We will have the photographer covering the cruise. McCampbell-Porter Airport Saturday, Feb 1st, First Saturday of every month! 8:30-11:30. The Cruise to the hangar leaves Alamo Drafthouse at 8am. Free, open to the public, family-friendly! Endless shade and A/C inside. Cars, trucks, bikes, airplanes! Pancake breakfast for a few bucks